Saturday 1 November 2014


Halloween has come and passed, and I have enjoyed it to the fullest. In total I have carved 3 pumpkins, listened to too much Halloween music, made my Halloween costume, gone trick or treating, and eaten TONS of sweets. I had never been trick or treating before yesterday, and I had always wanted to go as Halloween is my favorite holiday. I went with 3 friends and we then went back to her house, watched spooky movies on Netflix and slept over. As I live in England, Halloween isn't that well celebrated (at least in my area), so we did have a few bad encounters along the way.All in all, it was really enjoyable, and even though I'll be fourteen next year, I still hope to go trick or treating again :) .

On the 6th, I have my German exchange partner coming over, and I am super excited for that. I have been e-mailing her and I've gotten to know her pretty well, but this is the first time I'll be seeing her in person. I'll definitely be writing lost of posts about that

Leila c: