Saturday 18 October 2014

Yo yo yo yo yo

I haven't posted on this in like 2 weeks or summin, but here I am. Not much has happened, apart from me e-mailing my German exchange more. She's very nice :) Anyway, gonna try to post more as I'm getting excited for Halloween, but in the mean time, see ya.


Sunday 5 October 2014

Disappointing day


Quite a disappointing day today, as I was supposed to be going to London but plans fell through and I am now doing revision for the 4 tests I've got next week.

I hope your day is going marginally better than mine is,

Leila :)

Friday 3 October 2014

Moonrise Kingdom review

Hellooo again,

I would like to talk about a movie I have recently watched. I've heard people talk about it all the time on tumblr, and decided it was time to watch it. The movie was "Moonrise Kingdom", and it was one of the best movies I have ever seen.

To give a short summary, a girl meets a scout and they fall in love, so the scout decides to leave his troop to visit her. This leads to a series of events, some quite stressful and others very happy.

Overall, I would give this movie a rank of 8/10, and is probably up there in my favorite movies (including My Neighbor Totoro, Hugo, and many others). It was old fashioned (which I loved) and had an indie vibe (by the way, I have no idea what I'm talking about.).As you can probably tell, I like movies (a lot).

Here are a few screenshots and images found on Google:

I really, really enjoyed this movie and recommend it :D.



P.s. I had no idea what I was talking about in this, so please excuse the terrible summary.

P.p.s. I do not write movie reviews, so to any movie reviewers out there, I apologise bringing shame to your career/hobby.
P.p.p.s. You may have realised I made my blog look pretty, and I am very proud of myself and pleased with it ^.^ .

Thursday 2 October 2014

I don't know what I'm doing


So apparently this is my first post, but I have no idea how to use this. I will figure it out, so just gimme time :D. Also, I have no idea what this "blog" (this doesn't count as a blog yet, does it) is based around, so stick around to find out (ooh the suspense).


P.s. I need to edit my HTML to make it look all pretty.

P.p.s. I also don't know if anyone's gonna see this, and if anyone does, hi to you ^.^